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創業者マリア・パチェコ/Maria Pachecoは、グアテマラ共和国で40年近くにも及んだ内戦による残酷な経験から、グアテマラ共和国(特に農村)の生活を改善するためのプロジェクトを開始しました。​フェアトレードというビジネスモデルの元、グアテマラ共和国の作り手と世界中の人々を結び、やがて世界中の貧しい国々が豊かになっていくことを願って設立されたブランド、それがwakami/ワカミです。

Wakami was established with the sole mission to create income-generating opportunities that transform the lives of people in rural villages of in Gratemala.

Founder Maria Pacheco has started a project to improve the lives of the Guatemala from the cruel experience of the civil war that has been in the Guatemala for 40 years. Wakami is a brand established under the fair trade business model, connecting the creators of the Guatemala and people all over the world, and hoping that the poor countries of the world will eventually become enriched.

anthings Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.

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